
Bosma on Mez

Alright, so you have to read how this girl writes. Here is her response to Bosma's first question;

Physical representations of net.art r n.evitably a dilution of their ideal
p][ackaged][re][pre][sentation. The idea of net.art/net.wurk ][in
particular][ being trapped in a geophysical space designed 2 replicate
traditional methods of historically-viable art genres seems somehow
ludicrous. I've seen a terrible translation problem developing via several
major x.hibitions that r presently ][failing 2][ come/ing 2 grips with the
problems that x.hibiting net.wurks seems 2 provoke.

In a case like this, Bosma really doesn't need intricate or complicated questions. The very format of the responses exemplifies Mez, also know as The Netwurker. She explores language, coding, and the relationships between them, paying particular attention to the "f.fects" (effects) of bugs, version issues and cross platform incompatibilities. This presents a difficulty in exhibition, as the context of the internet is personal, consisting of everything from bedrooms to libraries to offices. To remove this context by placing the work in a "real-time" event would invariably change the experience.

Bosma's interview was found at Laudanum.net.


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