
Bosma on Cary Peppermint

Peppermint is focused in the ephemeral, exploring net.art as an idea, as opposed to a physical location.
(...) these are fleeting moments where "something" congeals and reveals an otherwise expansive "nothingness" of data with cloudy origins, data without destination.

Stencil art has a similar approach, creating an image by defing the space around it, as opposed to defining the space of the image itself.

Peppermint's aesthetic is one of art existing as it is, in its (to use the term loosley) natural environment. Ideally, he says, it would not be turned into something "physical", but would continue to network and evolve digitally.
My interpretation of this is that he would not want a dvd archive of "finished" projects, not a hardcopy prinout of any images or text. The art would exist on the screen and only on the screen. I compare this to a sculptor deciding that photographs of a sculpture would not be allowed; the only way to experiance it would be to visit in person.
This goes along with his idea that each part of each day is performance, which "is a process that goes on uninterrupted for the duration of a lifetime (...)"
I f you want to continue to watch this life-progress, and find out more about Peppermint's (offline) net.art (hallucigenic phyco-active) drug SOYLOVE, your might wanna peep Restlessculture.
Bosma's interview was found at Laudanum.net.


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